Sunday, September 13, 2009

This Week

Well, we knew the transition from one to two was going to be both challenging and exciting... but I am not sure we were quite prepared.. and I suppose it really would not be that bad except that Jared has been sick since we have been home. Turns out, we are pretty sure he has a stomach ulcer. It is terrible - he is so uncomfortable and not able to really do much at all. He feels terrible and I feel terrible for him. On top of him not feeling well, I am of course recovering from surgery, we are trying to tend to a newborn, and attempting to help sweet Landrum transition from being an 'only' to a big sister - a role she is a little unsure of I might add! Really, Landrum seems to like Luke okay - she is always anxious to see 'baby' as she calls him and to know what he is doing. She likes to help give him the pacifier, which usually ends up smashed in his eye, she likes to give lots of kisses, and pats and pull his hat off. If he is in the bouncy seat, she loves to help 'rock, rock' the baby.. we had to nip that in the bud pretty quickly lest he go catapulting across the room from the love of his sister!

Luke is eating well and sleeping most all the time. He is doing okay at night and I am starting to feel like we are getting into somewhat of a norm. He is such a good eater and I am so pleased as we are trying to fatten him up a little! He is so so tiny! We did get a good report when we went back to the hospital for his weight check, he was back at his birth weight (5lb 9oz) at less than a week old - they were pleased and we were thrilled!
Jared has seen a doctor and is taking some medicine, however, the pain seems to come and go. He will seem to be better and then take a turn for the worse and be out for the count. It has been a trial for sure.
I managed to get some sweet pictures of Landrum and Luke today when she got home from church - she went with her grandparents. Thank goodness my parents live here as they have been lifesavers for us throughout this experience.

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

Too sweet. They are both adorable. So sorry about you, Jared, I know how stomach stuff can be VERY painful. Hopefully they will have it all cleared up soon. Praying for y'all