Friday, October 05, 2007

Rain, Rain...

...please come our way. I had to wait until after it rained to publish this so as to not jinx it, but we are so thankful that we finally got some decent rain today. It's literally been 6 months since we got any serious rain. I think it's sprinkled 2 or 3 times from May thru September, but nothing more than teasers. From all accounts, we are entering into the rainy season and we are very excited. It's funny how you miss things like a regular dose of rain. It's also interesting living somewhere that experiences wet and dry seasons. Over the past 80 years, Adana has averaged less than 5 inches of rain from June-Oct, that's a long time to do without water. Some parts of the country felt it worse this summer and had to implement water rationing. It wasn't quite as severe here as we regularly saw the city fire trucks used for watering plants and medians. Since all the buildings are 100% concrete there is hardly any need for fire trucks, so at least this way they don't completely waste their trucks or manpower. Below you can see Jayme (in her monochromatic outfit) enjoying the rain from our balcony.

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