Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Day at the Spa

Landrum has taken to her bath times as if she was at the day spa. Unfortunately she has a tendency to get a little too comfy in the warm water and thus has a hard time controlling her bowels. This is not fun for parents or baby because we feel the need to change out her water and she hates getting out of the water, no matter how dirty it is. Being the smart parents we are, we thought we would trick her and let her sit in some warm water in the sink for a few seconds and do her business and then transfer her to the bath. She knew something was up and did not want to have any part in this trickery. Not only would she not do her thing in the sink, but she wouldn't even sit in it. She arched her back so much that only her feet were in the water. I don't know what the difference was, but she obviously did.


The Trustys said...

Oh my goodness - that is so funny! Babies are smarter than you think - no tricking Landrum!

luke_erin said...

Look at that belly!!!!!!