Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Love of a Father

As I was having some quiet time on the porch this morning in the rocking chair with Landrum beside me in her bouncy seat, I thought about the love we have for our children and how that resembles the love God has for us. I couldn't help but wonder if he ever wishes we could truly know how much he loves us just like I wish Landrum knew how much I love her. I try to express that to her, but she's not able to fully comprehend the emotions I feel when I express my love to her. As we get older we love our parents more and more, but never quite like we love our children. As I get older, my love for my heavenly Father grows deeper, but it will never match the love he has for me, his child. I was challenged by Proverbs 25:2 where it says that, "it is the glory of God to conceal things..." and I think it shows a reciprocating love on our part to seek those hidden things out. We may never find them, whatever they may be, but the journey will bring us closer to realizing the love he so freely gives us.

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