Friday, September 19, 2008

First ER Visit

Well, what an eventful night we had last night. Actually, it was an awful night. The kind you hope never happens to you.

Yesterday Landrum just seemed sort of off - when she was ready to eat she would just cry and cry. It was very difficult to console her, she was clearly upset about something. But after she calmed down and ate she was fine. So last night was the first time I decided to try solids with Landrum. I spent the afternoon steaming and pureeing carrots for her first 'real' food. I mixed up a tasty treat of carrots and rice cereal. She ate like a champ, I was so proud of her!

Well last night my mom and I had an open house to go to and Jared was at a a small group meeting so my sweet dad agreed to watch baby girl. I called on our way home to check on how their time was going and he told me that she had thrown up. She has never thrown up before but she does spit up a lot so I assumed that is what he meant.. but when I got home I discovered that she really had thrown up. She was still upset when I got home so I held her and loved on her a little bit, but she started throwing up repeatedly. Thankfully my parents were there to help me clean her up and try and calm her down. She got so worked up, crying, gagging and throwing up that she choked and stopped breathing. It was the single scariest moment of my life. I couldn't do anything, I was frozen with fear. My dad was there and turned her upside down and beat on her back until she started breathing again. Meanwhile my mom called 911. By the time the paramedics got there she was breathing again but still throwing up and gagging.. They checked her and thought she looked okay. They told me to go ahead and try and nurse her and she should be fine. Well she would not eat, her color was terrible and she was so exhausted she was limp. She slept a little and we tried feeding her again. She was still gagging and throwing up so with the advice of a pediatric nurse friend we took her into the ER. We were there until almost 1 a.m. She checked out fine after both a heel prick and a terrible chest XRay where they put her in a clear plastic tube with her arms stuck above her head.. she did not like that.

She finally ate around 4 this morning - just a little and has since eaten a little every 2 or 3 hours.. we did take her in to see her pediatrician this morning and she told us that there is a violent stomach bug going around which is probably what sweet girl caught. We are just watching her closely today - she seems to be on the mend. We are having a big sleepover in our room, we put our mattress on the floor and she sleeps right next to us in her little bouncy seat. I think she will be closer to 100% tomorrow.

What a scary and horrible ordeal. We did manage to take a picture in the ER on jared's phone (of course always time for a photo) but we can't get it to transfer.. If I can figure it out we will surely attach it.

I know this is not our last experience with the throw up sickness... but please please let it be our last experience with not breathing...and maybe even the ER.

I suppose we will try food again later this week... but I am not really in a rush.


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! I'm so glad she's ok, but what a horrible ordeal. Thank God she's ok, sweet little thing. love the carrot pic.

meurrier said...

So sorry to hear about this stomach bug!! Bless all of your hearts. I cannot imagine how scared you were. I have a major fear of Myla getting choked!