Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So we have been having a sermon series at church about stewardship which has been great and I have thought some about this idea as of late.. how can I be a good steward of our resources and make them go as far as possible. Well one area that we always seem to go over budget is groceries - isn't that the case for almost everyone though? I just realize that every little trip we make to Kroger/Wal-Mart during the week adds up - you just can't go and spend less than $20 or $30 a pop. So I thought about how I could reduce our budget and stop these mid-week expenditures... I decided I would only shop once a week - buy all that we need and when we run out - we are out, until I go again. I thought that was a good plan but I was still researching ways to do even better. And so... I have joined The Grocery Game. Some of you may have heard about it - but if not, it is a very inexpensive program you can join online that does almost all the work for you (if they did all the work the groceries would just magically appear in my cabinet!). Anyway - each Sunday I go online to the website and download the "list" for my grocery store(s) and all of the sales are already organized. The company knows exactly what is on sale and if it is at it's lowest price, it tells you precisely what coupons to use and when. The idea behind the program is to stockpile items when they are at their lowest price instead of paying premium price for goods. The point of the program is to drastically reduce your grocery budget. Several acquaintances of mine with families of at least 4 have budgets low as $60 a week when using the game! So if you are interested you can read about it at http://www.thegrocerygame.com/. It really does not take that much work and there is a four week free trial! I am excited to be able to save money this way for our family. This past Sunday night I went shopping at my local Kroger, I got $120 worth of groceries for $60!!! Yeah!

1 comment:

Justin and Lisa Holcomb said...

LOVE me some grocery game! i've been doing it for a little over a year--it's fantastic! :)