Saturday, February 03, 2007


I am learning more and more that life overseas requires flexibility. Last night Jayme was on the phone with Erin at 10:00 when the power went off. Power outages usually last for only a couple of hours, but they usually happen at the most inopportune time. (Not that there's ever a good time for a power outage.) The first one of the week occcured Wednesday as Jayme was preparing a lunch for the ladies on our team. Thankfully we have a gas stove and she was able to make the final preparations without the use of electricity. However, last night presented some different obstacles as there was no way to heat our room before going to bed and yesterday was one of the coldest days since we've been here, so we knew we might need more than just the electric mattress pad to stay warm. (which as referenced in the "24" Party blog has been our best purchase, at least when the electricity is on.) So we rounded up all of our blankets, put on lots pj's, Jayme seriously had on two pair, and got in the bed. We left some lights on so we would wake up if the power did come back on and thankfully at midnight, we were awoken by the sweet miracle of electricity. We shook the icicles off, turned the mattress pad on and enjoyed a semi-warm night. We obviously slept in and awoke to grey skies and rain, which presented another obstacle. Today was set aside to refrain from food and strategically walk through different parts of the city and lift up the people in those neighborhoods. So once again, another opportunity to be flexible intervened and we proceeded as planned but with the convenience and dryness of cars. We stopped along the way to meet different people with the intention of being open for divine appointments. One that we couldn't pass up was with a shepherd as he herded his sheep and goats through the city. We found it to be a little out of place, but I expect he found us to be a little out of place as well.

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