Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tropical Heat Wave

According to the newspapers, a heat wave from North Africa has decending upon Turkey covering us in a cloak of burning temperatures and heat advisories. Today in Adana "pregnants, the handicapped, and the elderly" are all excused from work. While it's hard to know exactly what the temperature is, we have heard the words "50 degrees" mentioned several times. (50 Celsius = 122 Farenheit) While we don't think it has gotten quite that hot, we seem to be hovering around the 110 mark. We can't move a muscle without breaking a sweat. Until the heat wave subsides, we will be hunkering down and running the A/C full blast.

1 comment:

C-Love said...

The paper today said that a town "out east" reported a high of 56 yesterday. I love my fan.