Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Day One

Jared's mom Debbie was admitted to the hospital this morning and they put a picc line in to administer her chemo and medicine. She is in good spirits today and feels well. We visited with her for several hours this afternoon and decorated her room with lots of pictures, posters and cards - but we would love to have more to put up! The nurse was beginning her first round of chemo as we left. She will have one chemo drug in a drip 24 hours a day for 7 straight days and one other drug administered every few days for three hours at a time. They will stop the chemo in 7 days and on day 12 or 14 they will check her bone marrow again. If the leukemic cells are gone, they will wait until her blood counts are good, call it remission and send her home - this is our prayer! She will still have to take chemo after that but not so intensive. If the numbers are not where the doctor wants them to be, she will do all of this intensive chemo again and will be in the hospital for 6 weeks. We believe that the Lord will heal her and that she will be home in a month. We will go back in the morning to visit again.


Jennifer Walker said...

Oh my goodness, I will have to let my daddy know (Mack Alford). I will be in prayer for sure. Tell Jared I'm praying for you all. God is gracious and will heal her. Hope you all have a good rest of the week.

Anonymous said...

jayme and jared~
I am so sorry to hear this. I know how scary this can be, even when you do trust our most merciful God. Billy and I will be praying for your sweet mom.