Friday, November 07, 2008

Day Three

Praise the Lord Debbie is still feeling well! What an answer to prayer. They gave her a second chemo drug last night. She will receive this treatment three times, last night, tonight and tomorrow night. This is a stronger drug and the nurse warned of possible immediate side effects - we are praising the Lord that she has not experienced that yet!
She received two units of blood last night and so her counts were good this morning. Her doctor actually told her that all these prayers are helping her! Keep them coming! Also, please remember to lift up her doctor during this process.
There is a blood drive in Philadelphia at First Baptist Church on November 17th from 10-3. She still needs folks to donate blood at MS Blood Services - please be sure to give her name when you do. Thank you for continuing to pray for us and support us all during this process. We know the Lord will be glorified through everything. She received a lot of encouraging notes and cards in the mail today - thank you for sending those! What an uplifting thing to receive each day. Since she can't have flowers or plants in the room, the cards go a long way to lifting her spirit.

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

SO glad to hear these updates. I've really had her and everyone on my mind and in our prayers. Daddy came over and gave blood today, he's O-negative. We wouldn't have know if I hadn't read your blog, so keep everyone posted on EVERY need so we can continue to lift her up. Try to get some rest this weekend.