Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday - Day Eleven

I am glad to be able to report that Debbie had another good day. She had a blood and platelet transfusion last night that had her feeling much better by this morning. Her white count fell again today and was at 1300. She has developed a rash and we are not sure if it is an allergic reaction to some of her meds or something else. She is still on the antibiotic and continues to run a low fever.

Today we had a very special time of prayer for Debbie with the elders from our church. It was such a sweet time of obedience to the Word. In James it says that if anyone is sick he should call for the elders to come and anoint him with oil and pray over him. That is what happened today and it was such a special time with our family and with the elders.

We are praying for a full day of rest for Debbie tomorrow. Monday she will have her bone marrow biopsy and that will be a tiring day as it is a painful procedure. Please pray for continued comfort and rest for Debbie.

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