Sunday, November 09, 2008


Another good day to report. Although Debbie's red blood cell count and platelet count are dropping, her spirits are still up! She is still feeling well and has a great appetite thus far. The doctor told her this morning that she will probably have to have another blood transfusion and probably a platelet transfusion tomorrow. Please pray for these to go smoothely and that they will have enough 0 negative blood.

We did not go to the hospital today since Landrum had a fever last night. It was a good day of rest for everyone I think. Landrum has not had a fever today so we should be going back to visit tomorrow.

We are praising the Lord that Debbie has not experienced any side effects from the drugs at this point.

1 comment:

Jennifer Walker said...

Good to hear from you again with updates. I hate Landrum is not feeling well. I totally understand, b/c Emily runs a low grade fever ALL the time...I think it's teething too. We are praying for Mrs. Debbie and are excited she had another good day. Know Glenn and I are praying all the way here in GA.